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Decomposition method in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2020-12-23Updated:2020-12-23
Similar words: decompositiondecomposition reactionphotodecompositiondouble decompositionfunctional decompositionrecompositiondecision methodpercentage composition
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31 A cascade network decomposition method for measuring the complex dielectric constant of mushy materials is proposed.
32 Compared with that of traditional technology of double decomposition method, the productivity of this technology was raised and the consumption of energy and water reduced greatly.
33 This paper introduces the method of preparing high-purity magnesium hydroxide by double decomposition method with industrial magnesium chloride and barium hydrosulfide as the raws materials.
34 A. method for analyzing variance-stationary random signal is presented. It is designated as signal decomposition method.
35 A direct domain decomposition method was presented for the parabolic partial differential equations on nonoverlapping domains.
36 The catalytic decomposition method is a popular way of production carbon nanotubules.
37 Most factories use the carbonization method. Some medium and small factories use the barium carbonate ore method. Only a few factories use the double decomposition method with a relatively high cost.
More similar words: decompositiondecomposition reactionphotodecompositiondouble decompositionfunctional decompositionrecompositiondecision methodpercentage compositionbisection methodcombination methodproduction methodrelaxation methodcorrelation methodsubstitution methodelimination methodcompositioncompositionalclassification methodidentification methodmusical compositionimpositionfirm positionsuperimpositioncompositivetemporary positionlithotomy positionpositive correlationpostpositionpositioninitial position
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